Most of us….Why?…. even our earlier generation may not be knowing the roots of our Bajanai mutt, its story, its glory, how it came to us…so on and so forth.
I thought it fit to bring out the sanctity and age old backdrop of our Bhajanai madam, which I came to know through Late Ekanatha Vajapeyar (Father of Sekar), while we were all talking in Vaasal Thinnai in the early 70’s. The truth is through hear say and at the moment, I don’t have any authenticated backing on hand.
I will take you……Come on…..Let us go….
After the fall of Nayak Rule in Thanjore and Vijaya Nagar Rule in a war at ghost city of Hampi, Marathas conquered Thanjore under the leadership of Venkoji, the half brother of Chatrapathi Shivaji. Originally, Shivaji ordered his brother to conquer Chenji from the Clutches of Nawab of Karnatic and handover back to the singh family of the same Marathas. Maratha kings were the known patronisers of Bajanai samprathayam since it is an easy and simple way of worshiping and reaching GOD. Moreover, they are assimilated towards Sitarama and Radhekrishna Bhajan due to the influence of Samartha Ramadasar, Guru of Shivaji, who blessed him for forming his own kingdom.
Marathas are deeply involved in Bhajans by constructing a Mutt and chant Bhagawan namas / sing songs rather than constructing temples. This influence spread across the Chola Mandalam in places like Melattur, Veppathur, Bhagavathapuram, Bhaskararajapuram, Maruthanallur, Tiruvisanallur, Govindapuram, Tiruvidaimarudur etc,. Of the above places, Marudhaanallur is the citadel of Bhajans.
At that time, in Tanjore belt, a new Nama Sangeethana Pathithi was introduced and influenced to a great extent across the Chola mandalam by Bhagavan Nama Bodendra swamigal, Sadasiva Bramendral, Maruthanallur swamigal, Sree Narayana Theerthar, Sreedara Venkateswara Ayyaval, to name a few. They are all composers of Bhajan songs in Sanskrit and Telugu. Their intoxicating songs with lovely tunes propagated the methodology of the pathithi. With passage of time, pathithi was accepted, adopted all over south and was admired even by Marata community.
At that time, Sreedara Venkatesa Ayyaval was living in Tiruvisanallur. We are well aware about Sri Sri Aiyyaval as we use to go to Tiruvisanallur often, including on Karthigai Amavaasya day, to take bath in the holy well where he brought Ganga. I am not going to elaborate about his entire life story. Nevertheless, I would like to tell just one incident connected to him.
At one point of time, the Marata king was informed by some vested interests having affinity towards Vaishnava sect that Ayyaval is a staunch devotee and worshiper of Shiva, especially Lord Mahalingam of Tiruvidaimarudur temple and he will never compose any song on other Gods,… he won’t even visit any vhaisnavite temple. This made Marata king angry who made an arrangement for a festival of Radha Kalyanam at the Bajanai madam of Tiruvisanallur. He also ordered to organize a procession in a chariot of the God to go round all the streets in the area, so as to ascertain whether Ayyaval will offer coconut and harathi to the God or not.
Somehow, Ayyaval knew the aforesaid arrangement and he did not express anything about it to anybody. As usual, on the evening of the said day, he went to Mahalinga swamy temple, Tiruvidaimarudur to have dharshan of the Lord, came back to his house, took dinner and retired to bed. At night, about ten o’ clock, while in his bed, he heard the sound of Thavil Melam…., suddenly got up from the bed, sat on the ounjal in his house and started writing a slogam in a palm leaf. After completing the same, he put that palm leaf in his pooja room and gone back to bed.
At about 11 PM, when the chariot of the procession turned towards the street corner where Ayyaval reside, suddenly the photo of Radhakrisha, which was in the procession disappeared and everybody started shouting about the disappearance of the photo. After some time, one bhagavathar in the procession found a palm leaf on the chariot where the photo of Radhakrishna was seated and gone through the writings since he knows the grantha libi. He immediately took the palm leaf and ran to the palace at TDR where the Marata king resided at that time (hope everybody is aware about the palace, of course in a ruined condition now, stretching from Mahadana Veedhi to Vadakku Veedhi).
The King got the palm leaf at about 12 mid night and gone through the same. Immediately, he took his horse and straight went to Ayyaval’s house. To his surprise, he saw the photo of Radha Krishna on the ounjal at Ayyaval’s house. He put his forehead on the feet of Ayyaval, offered namaskaram and apologized for his immature act. Ayyaval, in turn told the king to take back Radhakrishna’s photo for keeping in his palace and added that Lord Mahalingam blessed it.
After many years, the photo came back to TDR palace where Amarsingh of Maratha dynasty lived in TDR. As per History, the Marathas lost the kingdom to British and the family roots also disappeared due to lack of male issues. One great woman from the family, Balamani bai, handed over the photos of Sitarama, Radhakrishna to the public of Mahadhana Veedi and donated a small portion of her house for public worship, which was situated opposite to the present Bhajanai Mutt. For some time, the Mutt was at her house. After some time, Balamanibai passed away.
Vasudeva Naik’s grandfather was a minister in Maratha’s kingdom. After his demise, Vasudeva Naik’s father purchased one piece of land, constructed a house and donated for “Dwadhasi kattalai”. He also offered one corner from the piece of land for the Bhajanai mutt, as it was situated in a female’s house. Here the Mutt started in a thatched hut.
After some time Natesa Sastrigal, father of Mani Sastrigal (whom we all know) and Tiruvaliangudi Ramasamy Sastrigal (father of TVR sir), planned a pucca building for the Mutt with the help of Mahadanaveedi People.
Yes….that is our Bhajanai madam.
With this background, Our Bhajanai mutt stands proudly at present in Mahadana Veedhi, a standing witness to our childhood days. I will recollect the telling stories of our mutt after 1950 in Part II.
Let us be proud about our Tiruvidaimarudur and we are fortunate enough to be born and brought up at TDR under the shadow of Lord Mahalinga and our Bhajanai Mutt.
……Bye for the time being..
G. Sridhar
S/O Late Ganesan
Vanchi’s brother
Our Bhajanai Mutt – Part II
From 1950 onwards………
Hope, everybody would have enjoyed the roots of our famous Bhajanai mutt. Thanks for your mails, phone calls….really I was thrilled. We all should thank TOSA for laying a solid platform to share these type old glories. History cannot be erased and in fact, TOSA created a history in itself by remaining a solid platform in a village. Alumnis / old students’ Association are normally used to be there only in cities and we have changed the trend and you……, you in particular is a party to it. Be proud enough.
There was a fillip in the activities of our Bhajanai Mutt from 1950s. This is mainly due to untiring efforts of Brahma Sri Mani Sasthrigal, Sundaram Doctor, Maligai kadai Balakrishna Iyer, G.Swaminatha Iyer(GS Sir), Drillmaster Ganesa Iyer, Venkatrama Bhagavathar etc…etc….etc…. It is very difficult to name everybody. Yes,…very much a collective effort. In 1960’s, when Mahaperiyava camped at TDR for several months, renovated Sankara madam and asked to renovate the Bajanaimadam by fixing a bell on the top. He also asked the local people to form a Samajam in the name as Asthiga Samajam to patronize the Mutt by conducting Radha Kalyanam, Sita Kalyanam, Ramayana, Bharatha and Bhagavatha pravachanam and rendering Vishnushasranama parayanam on every evening and a pidi arisi thittam for daily pooja and naivedhyam.
Mahaperiyava advised Mayavaram Sundaresa Iyer who was a master on his own in the Bajanai Pathithi to coordinate with Ragunandana Iyer (My grandfather), a Sanskrit’s scholar, to translate all bajanai songs from Grantham and Telugu Lipi to Devanagari and Tamil Lipi to enable Mr.Sundaresa Iyer to teach all the men and women folk of TDR, without expecting any monitory consideration. Thus, Sambradhaya bhajans, Radha Kalyanam, Seetha Kalyanam, Carnatic music, pravachanams had become the order of those days in our Bhajanai mutt. All bigwigs have performed concerts at our Mutt.
Both Sundaresa Iyer and Raghunandana Iyer accomplished the task and a book with the complete pathithi was printed in MLJ Press of Raobahadur Manja Iyear of Pachaiayappa Mudali Street. It was distributed at free of cost to all. Mahaperiyava also advised Manja Iyer to oversee the Asthiga Samajam for some time. Sundaresa Iyer was the pillar behind and organised all the events. During his final stage of life, Sundaresa Iyer taught all the pathithi to Sri Venkatrama Bhagavathar and asked him to continue the service.
After some time, our GREAT Sundaram doctor took over the Asthiga Samajam as President. We are all aware about his application, concentration, dedication, devotion, determination, last but not the least, his commitment to the cause. He invited all the renowned people for Musical performances, Pravachanams, Radha Kalyanams etc. All the upanyasagars used to stay in Sundaram Doctor’s house for ten days and more including Manjakudi Rajagopala Sastrigal, Sengalipuram Anantharama Dikshidar, Simizhi Gopala Vajapeyar, Sri Vanchiyam, Vaamana Bhagavathar etc.
He purchased Amplifier and Mike and arranged Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam on every day evening. Our beloved Venkatrama Sir, Kannan Sir, Vanchi Sir, Santhanam Sir, pasupathy Iyer, T.V.R.Sir Thangam Bank Mani Iyer, Drill Master Ganesa Iyer, Maligaikadai Balakrishna Iyer, to name a few ably supported Sundaram Doctor, in his endeavours. Our G.S Sir was instrumental in conducting Vishnu Sahasranamam on everyday evening. Sriman Nageswara Sastrigal acted as Asthana vidwan of our Bajanai Mutt. With limited resources, beautiful Dramas were enacted by Venkatrama sir, Kannan Sir, Govindapuram Ramani Sir (china Art Master), Dhandu of Guhan Studio, Cycle Kadai Sundaram Pillai etc.
Mani Sastrigal and GS taught Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam to all the students during that time. Being a good innovative artist, Mani Sastrigal used to do decoration work in flowers during Radha & Sita Kalyanam.
Not only that, he was the best friend of Nadaswara Vidwan N.Veerusamy Pillai who was an all India figure, during his life time. At the initiative of Mani Sasthrigal, Veerusamy Pillai gave a full-fledged Nadaswara performance in the Sita Kalyana Mahostavam at our Bajanai Mutt. On that day, entire Mahadana Veedi was jam-packed to hear his concert.
Venkatrama Bhagavathar took the service of Bhajan after the old age of Sundaresa Iyer. Actually he is the sishya of Sundaresa Iyer. Venkatrama Bhagavathar taught Bhajanai Pathithi to all sections of the society not only in TDR but also, in and around Tanjoore Dist, which is now spread in every nook and corner. One can very well say, he was the real Bhajan Samrat ever since the pathithi was formed which was meant to propagate the Bhakthi movement in our society. Today, most of the Bhagavathars claim that they are the sishya of Venkatrama Bhagavathar. Can we forget his vengalak..kural kirthanais, Mani Sasthrigal’s high pitch bhajan songs, Mirudhangam Radha’s melodious Balamurali krishna’s voice etc during those Margazhi month bhajan days ? Still, it is in our memory / ears.
Sri Krisha Premi Swamigal learnt Namavali from Venkatrama Bhagavathar as told by him in Bhakthi Vikatan weekly Tamil edition. Udayaalur Kalyanaraman is also one of the sishya of Venkatrama Bhagavathar. Like that, many Bhagavathar’s in our southern part claims that they are all either sishyas or paramartha sishyas of Venkatrama Bhagavathar
Our beloved teacher Venkatrama Sir used to tell that he used to go to Venkatrama Bhagavathar’s house, every day to read to him daily news papers (Hindu, Dinamani, Ananda Vikatan) and in turn Bhagavathar will teach Namavali to him. In the process, our Sir became a master in Bhajan songs. For the benefit of a few, who do not know Venkatrama Bhagavathar, let me say that he had no vision in both eyes. In those days, margazhi maasa bhajan was a grand event at TDR. We used to go to temple at 4 a.m and start the Bhajan and end up at Veeracholan pillayar temple at 7.30 a.m with a really beautiful ven-pongal. Sundaram doctor, Bhajanai Mali, Drill master Ganesa Iyer, Maligai kadai Balakrishna Iyer, Mani Sashtrigal, Agasthiyar Rajam are the ring masters of our Bhajan event.
During those days, a shocking incident also happened at our Mutt. Yes, there was a theft of priceless Tanjoore painting of Ramar pattabhishekam photo, Radhakrishna photo………stolen by miscreants. Entire Mahadana Street was shell shocked as if they have lost their own kith and kin. Luckily, at that time, Shri Radha Krishnan happened to be the IG of police. He is from our soil, our Mahadana Street, our school and he visited TDR, formed a special police team and nabbed the culprits, brought back the treasure to our Mutt. The joy of TDR knew no bounds at that time.
My dear friends, we are the proud owners of such glory, enviable past. I am really happy that our friends like Appu, Individual, Mohan, Balagowri, Viji, postal Raji, Murthy, builder Sitaraman and many others have purchased residential plot at Mahadana veedhi, opposite to our Bhajanai Mutt and going to settle at TDR. Of course, many will follow. Let us revive the past glory, past memories and create a vibrant TDR, vibrant Bhajanai Mutt.
There is a saying in English,
If you share your joy….joy will increase,.
If you share your sorrow…sorrow will decrease,.
If you share your knowledge….knowledge will increase manifold
But, now……..I have shared my memories…..…cherished my memories and took you all to our golden school days.
We should really feel proud of being born and brought up at TDR….genuinely feel proud of being a TOSA member.
G. Sridhar
S/O Late Ganesan
Vanchi’s brother
Feedback to ;
I am blessed to read this post. I am not from TDR but I also purchased a plot that Mr. Sitaraman created behind Bhagavathar's house.
ReplyDeleteBut, I along with all my family members were blessed by Bhagavathar's visit every year to Thethiyur/Vishnupuram Ramachandra Sastrigal's (son of Pundarikasha Dikshatar) house.
God willing, planning to be in TDR for Radha Kalyanam this Thai Pusam.
Thiyagarajan - Vishnupuram