From Sridhar’s cupboard
(further information based on feedback)
What was written in the Palm Leaf by Ayyaval ?...?...?
In my earlier sharing of thoughts on the subject, I mentioned that Ayyavaal wrote something in a palm leaf in Grandha Script. Let me touch upon more on the subject.
Several TDR ites enjoyed the episode and many confirmed through mails / phone that they also heard about those happenings, however, not remember the names. Our Soundhara Muthukumaran called me over phone and informed that he heard about all these things through his father (Sharaf Soundararajan Pillai of Mahalingaswamy Temple). Our RAMJI was keen in knowing what Ayyaval wrote in the palm leaf.
The following narration would give the answer to Ramji’s question.
Maha Periyava organized a grand Vidvad Sata in TDR, particularly, for Pravachana Karthas. (Many may not know…..Maha Periyavaa visited TDR on several occasions, many stints, and once in 1930s, continuously he stayed at TDR for 3 to 4 years). 
Once he aired his concern that due to change in the way of life, particularly after freedom, the elite group of people in villages started migrating from the villages to cities hoping that it would be better. He wanted to arrest that trend and told the Pravachana Karthas to do something by telling about the glory of villages, its tradition, its hall and fame, sthala puranas, sanctity and other positive features. Prosperity of villages, in the real spirit, was on the top of his mind……, always.
In the process, some 30 years back, Bhagavatha Shironmani, Shri T.S. Balakrishna Shastrigal, a renowned Harikatha Bhagavathar started performing discourses with focus to bring to limelight the stories about great Bhagavathars and composers of Bhajan songs at the place where they were born, lived or they attained Siddhi. It would be pertinent to mention with proud that T.S.Balakrishna Sasthrigal was born and brought up at our TIRUVIDAIMARUDUR……Yes… namadhu Thalainagaram.
Saharam Rao |
So as to fine tune his project, he approached Semmankudi Srinivasa Iyer who was a great singer of all times. Semmangudi learnt music in TDR from Kottuvadyam Saha Ram Rao, by staying in his house, in the Gurukulam pattern, doing kainkarya, serving etc, for many years. He was a close friend of my grand father in those days as told to me by my father. Mani Sasthrigal, Ekanatha Vajapeyar, his elder brother Narayana Vajapeyar, Simpson Jayarama Iyer, Mahadeva Iyer (Individual’s father) are all of the same age group and friends. Semmamgudi studied in our school which you must have noticed in the presentation of Visu in his Makkal Arangam programme on TOSA, some time back. T.S. Balakrishna Sasthrigal accomplished the task assigned to him by Maha Periyava, in his own style, way, precision and earned laurels.
Semmamgudi asked Shri K.J.Jesudoss, one of his sishya (who was sent by Sembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavathar to learn Thanjavur Paani Raga Alaapanai), a notable singer in all forms now, to go and present katcheris on the auspicious day of the great composers without expecting any monetary benefit for which he readily agreed.
From Kottuvadyam Saha Ram Rao, many eminent carnatic singers learnt music and innovative ragas. Balakrishna Sasthrigal learnt about the life background and meaning of songs of the composers and prepared scripts to perform Harikatha with the help and guidance of Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer.
Jesudoss learnt several songs and performed concerts at many places. We are aware, he has recorded several songs including Tirupanthurutthi Shri Narayana Dikshidhar’s Narayana Tharangam, Krishna Leela Tharangini, to name a few. Some 30 years back, (when I was searching for a job after studies and had free time at TDR) both Balakrishna Shastrigal and Jesudoss, came to TDR and stayed in Venkatrama Bhagavathar’s house for their performance in Tiruvisanallur Ayyavaal Mutt.
As a neighbour, I went to Bhagavathar’s house along with my parents. A wonderful sangamam of Vidwans and Bhagavatars was witnessed by me. Shri Jesudoss learnt many slokas before singing Tarangam of Naranaya Theerthar from our Venkatrama Bhagavathar. He came with his entire family and stayed in Venkatrama bhagavathar’s house.
On the next day, there was a grand Mela type programme at Tiruvisanallur. Balakrishna Sastrigal’s Harikatha was there from evening to night, followed by Jesudoss Kacheri, from night to early morning. After the kacheri, everybody took bath in the holy well. Through the discourse of the Harikatha of Balakrishna Sasthrigal, I came to know, what Ayyaval had written in the palm leaf in the form of poem. The song is
Mahalingaa…..Mahadeva….. Madhyarjunesha Mampaahi…and so on. I could not recollect the exact wordings….. but the meaning of the song goes like this:
Yeh Mahalingaa….., Mahadeva….. you are here in Madahyarjuna (TDR), for me you are there at Kasi, Kanchi, Mathura, Ayodhya, anywhere and everywhere. For me, you are Rama, Krishna, Narayana, and anything and everything.
Where you are not there? every where you are there. In mountain, in sea, in earth, anywhere and everywhere you are there……Why should I go to other places, other than Tiruvidaimarudur, the Madyarjuna kshetra.
Whenever I think, I am coming to see you. Right from the early morning, throughout the day, even during sleep, you are in my mind. My thoughts are always on you. In the evening and Ardhajamam, I am coming and seeing you. What else I need ? You are always coming to my rescue during crisis times and always with me……
I am very very happy of this kind….., you are giving full of joy to me…..Please give such kind of joy and happiness to all…..everybody….. all our people.
That was the substance of the writings in the palm leaf as I heard from Balakrishna Sashtrigal.
I take this opportunity to thank the GOD for giving me / us, the proud privilege of being born and brought up at Tiruvidaimarudur. Last but not the least, to TOSA, for creating a platform to share these types of thought.
Bye…..for the time being….
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